Publication information:
By Thy Strengthening Grace
Note: at the end of this book (page 89 of the PDF, and also posted separately here) is a Tablet from ‘Abdu’l-Bahá sent in response to a petition signed by American believers in 1905. Two of those believers lived in Enterprise, Kansas: Rose Hilty and Mary M. F. Miller. Rose received a printed copy of the Tablet which included the names of all those who signed. It was among her books given after her death by her daughter to start the Topeka Bahá’í Library.
The text of the Tablet is reprinted as it was in the original printed form, spelling, etc. An attempt was made by the U.S. National Bahá’í Archives to find the text of the petition, but it was unsuccessful; many petitions were sent in those years. This translation was by Ali Kuli Khan, January 1906. It should be regarded as a provisional translation, it has not been authenticated. The explanatory notes at the end appear in the original.