(partial list)
​1969 - 2009
Books (chapters or other, chronologically):
Once to Every Man and Nation, George Ronald (Oxford, England), 1985
"Kansas Farm Boy," p.103-108
Fasting: The Moon and Its Suns, A Baha'i Handbook, George Ronald (Oxford, England), 1990
"Observing the Fast - When you are not to Abstain From Food," p.52-56
Expanded and reprinted, 2002
"Boekbespreking: Fasting a Baháí Handbook." Baháí Vizier, 42 Jaargang (Den Haag, Netherlands) 2003
"Samengesteld door Duane L. Herrmann." p.207-8
Creative Circle: Art, Literature and Music in Baha'i Perspective, Kalimat Press (L. A.) 1989
"Poetry and the Arts in Rebuilding Society," p.175-192
Andrew Herrmann Family in America, Buffalo Press (Topeka) 1989
trans: Die Familia Andrew Herrmann in Amerika, (Reckendorf, Bayern, Deutschland) 1994
Christmas Memories, Kansas Authors Club (Topeka) 1990
"Lady Friend," p.7-9
At Home in Ellis County, Ellis County Historical Society (Hays, Kansas) 1991
"Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís, Hays," p.199
Community Histories: Studies in the Bábi and Bahá'í Religions, vol. 6, Kalimat Press, (L.A.) 1992
"The Bahá'í Faith in Kansas: 1897-1947," p.66-108
The Bahá'í Faith in Kansas Since 1897, Buffalo Press (Topeka) 1994
The Life of May Brown in Her Own Words, Buffalo Press (Topeka) 1994
How to Use Potpourri in the Classroom, Potpourri Publications (JCCC, Olathe, Kansas) 1994
"Family Plowing," {poem reprint} p.49
Why They Became Baháís, Baháí Publishing Trust (New Delhi, India) 1994
"How Can Any Sane Person Say Christ Has Returned," pp. 296-97
KPERS Procedure Manual, chapters 1,2,4,7,12,13,14 (State of Kansas, Topeka) 1995
Desinformation als Methode, Georg Olms Verlag, (Hildesheim, Deutschland) 1995
footnote citation on p.609
trans: Making the Crooked Straight, George Ronald publisher (Oxford, England) 2000
footnote citation on p.758
KPERS Designated Agent Workshop Workbook (State of Kansas, Topeka) 1996 & 1997
Early Bahá'ís of Enterprise, Buffalo Press (Topeka) 1997
KPERS Procedural Manual: Chapters 10, 15, 17, 21 (State of Kansas, Topeka) 1997
A History of the Bahá'í Community of Samarkand, with Dr. Hasan T. Shodiev of Samarkand University
Buffalo Press (Topeka) 1999
Celebrating the Century, Topeka Capital-Journal (Topeka) 2000
"It Could Happen," p.64
A Family at the Turn of a Century, Duane L. Herrmann (Topeka) 2000
Copy requested by Bibliotekdirektor of Bambergstaatbibliotek, Bamberg, Bayern.
The Central Figures: Baháulláh, vol 2, Bahá'í Publishing Trust (Wilmette, IL) 2002
"Stranger in the Mountains," {reprint #3} p.102-105
"The Letter of Certainty," p.136-139
"A Letter from Baghdád," p.141-146
"Baháulláhs Tablet to the Queen," p.155-160
Topeka Friends Meeting: 1982-2002, (Topeka) 2002
The Central Figures: Baháulláh, vol 3, Bahá'í Publishing Trust (Wilmette, IL) 2003
"On His Shoulders," p.10-15
"To Be a Brilliant Star," p.97-101
"A Radiant Point of Light," p.167-169
"Papers in the River," p.170-173
A Little History of Islam in Topeka, with Imam Omar Hazim (Topeka) 2003
Our Way With Words, Kansas Authors Club (centennial book), 2004
"Not Quite So New in Kansas," p. 23-25.
Prairies of Possibilities, iUniverse (Lincoln, New York, Shanghai) 2005
The Central Figures: the Báb, vol.2, Bahá'í Publishing Trust (Wilmette, IL) 2005
"The Best Loved Letter,"
"The Best of Friends,"
"A Day Not Forgotten,"
Citizens of the World:A History and Sociology of the Baha'is from a Globalisation Perspective, Brill (Leiden, Netherlands)
work cited
By Thy Strengthening Grace, A Brief History of the First One Hundred Years of the Baha'i Faith in Topeka: 1906-2006, Topeka Baha'i Assembly (Topeka) 2006
Ferguson Kansas History Book Award: 2007
Periodicals (alphabetically):
Association for Baháí Studies Bulletin (Canada)
"Robert Hayden Poetry Fellowship," Number 43, p. 2&7.
Bahá'í News
"Enterprise (Kansas) Second in U.S.?" March 1987, p. 6-7
"The Place for the Poet," June 1989, p. 8-9
"The International Bahá'í Council," March 1990, p. 10-11
Baháí Vizier (Netherlands)
De Baháí-gemeenschap van Samarkand (in Dutch) Nov 2004, p.171-79
Brilliant Star
"Stranger in the Mountains," {reprint #1} Summer/Special 1991, p.24-5
"Ellsworth Blackwell: A Teacher and Guide," Nov/Dec 1991, p.24
"The First Bahá'í Holy Year," Mar/April 1992, p.33
child's way
"Stranger in the Mountains," Sept/Oct 1982, p. 4-7
East & West Literary Quarterly (Chinese/English)
"Robert Earl Hayden," Summer 1993, p.15
Farm Woman News
"Harmony Club," June 1986, p.17
Family Spirit
"Our Family Extends Both Ways," Winter 1992/3, p.9
Forum (New Zealand)
"Great Results can come from Small Efforts," Vol. 2 No. 2, 1993, p.49-51
issue dedicated to "Duane L. Herrmann, " Vol. 3 No. 1, 1994, verso.
Glory (India)
"Missionaries Who Aided the Cause of God," Spring 1991, Vol. XIII, No. 2, p.8-9
Herald of the South (Australia)
"Bertha Hyde Kirkpatrick," July/Sept 1991, p.46-8
"The Second Baha'i Holy Year," April/June 1993, p.26-8
"Robert Hayden: His Life and Legacy," Jan/Mar 1994, p.16-19
"Stepping Out," April/June 1998, p.25-27
"Afternoon Tea," Fall 1989, p.28-33
"Cherry Tomatoes," Fall, 1992, p.118-121
"Two Extraordinary Kansas Women," Sept. 1997, p.6
"The Place for the Poet," {reprint} #2-1990, p.2-4
"Mourning Roger White," #3-1994, p.2-3
Spiritual Mothering Journal
"Househusband is not spelled U-N-E-M-P-L-O-Y-E-D" Winter 1986, p. 23-24.
"Having the Essentials" Fall 1987, p. 37-38.
"'Mothering' in the Other Direction" Winter 1987, p. 23.
"Parents: The Word Made Flesh" Fall 1988, p. 15-16.
"The Different Third" Winter 1988, p. 10-11.
Bulletin, National Spiritual Assembly of the Baháís of Switzerland (Bern, Switzerland) December 2003
Mitteilungsbulletin: "Schweizer Wuzelen der Baháí-Gemeindevon Kansas" pp.5-6
Bulletin dinformation: "Des racines suisses de la communauté baháí de Kansas" p. 6
World Order
"Houses as Perfect as Is Possible," Fall 1994, p.17-31
"Interchange," Spring 1995, p.5
"Letters from a Nineteenth Century Kansas Bahá'í," Winter 1996-97, p.27-35.
"Turbulent Kansas," Fall 1999, p.29-45
Kansas Bahá'í Newsletter: 1972-3, 1976-79.
"Inscape" of Washburn University, poetry editor: 1987-89.
Voices From a Borrowed Garden, Louhelen Bahá'í School & Buffalo Press, 1990.
Thanks and Giving, - Grant Cushinberry, Buffalo Press, Topeka, 1990.
The Heart of What Is, - Doug E. Shaffer, Buffalo Press, Topeka, 1990.
"Allegro," Topeka Symphony Orchestra, Assistant Editor: 1991-92.
"Orison," Arts Review, Association for Bahá'í Studies (Canada), Assistant Editor: 1994.
"KPERS Commotions": 1993-97.
Bahá'í Studies Association Midwest Conference, Louhelen, Davison, MI: 1981
"Houses as Perfect as Can Be."
Los Angeles Bahá'í History Conference, Los Angeles, 1985
"The First Half-Century of the Bahá'í Faith in Kansas. "
Issues in Contemporary American Poetry, East & West Literary Foundation conference
San Francisco, August 1993 (read in absentia) "Robert Hayden and Political Correctness."
U.S. National Bahá'í History Conference, Bahá'í National Center, Evanston, IL: 1994
"Exegesis of Letters from a Nineteenth Century Kansas Bahá'í."
U.S. National Bahá'í History Conference, Bahá'í National Center, Evanston, IL: 1996
"1897 Press Reception of the Bahá'í Faith in Kansas."